Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Back to the scripture memory for today. The NavPress study states that the hope referred to in verse 18 is not the mood of one who hopes but the content of a sure expectation. Now, if that's the case, why use the word hope. Why not use assurance or confident expectation or some other word? I think this is one of those times, perhaps one of those all too common times where we make the words say what we want them to say. Unbelievers twist the scriptures to do evil; the orthodoxy twist them to match their orthodoxy. There's probably an entire study here on the subject of hope and what it means in a Christain context, but it alwasy strike me odd to hear commentators or Christians who are years in the faith state categorically how a word means something other than its plain meaning. I prefer to use R.C. Sproul's method of literal interpretation. He thoroughly explains his methods of interpretation in his book, Knowing Scripture. It may well be, after one does a thorough study of the lexicography of hope, or the Greek elpis, that, indeed, it does mean a sure expectation; however, at first glance I am skeptical at best.
If anyone would care to enlighten me, please comment or email.
If anyone would care to enlighten me, please comment or email.