Thursday, February 16, 2006
Christ Over All
Today's verse is Eph 1:21-23:
It's hard to add much to that. Christ is the ruler of all.
Let me just share the great night I had. I'm the sound guy for our church. I'm not particularly gifted at it as my ear is nothing exceptional, but I'm adequate, or perhaps I hope I'm adequate. Either way, with God's grace I get through rehearsals and worship services. However, the joy comes in working with these incredibly talented volunteer musicians who pour their heart into worshipping the Lord. I've done sound at three churches in three different parts of the country and had the great blessing of working with talented musicians in all three. Tonight was yet another great night - jammin' with the Lord. May you all find a place you can worship that will bring you as much joy.
far above all rule and authority and power and dominion and every name that is named, not only in this life, but also in the one to come. And He put all things in subjection under His feet and gave Him as head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.
It's hard to add much to that. Christ is the ruler of all.
Let me just share the great night I had. I'm the sound guy for our church. I'm not particularly gifted at it as my ear is nothing exceptional, but I'm adequate, or perhaps I hope I'm adequate. Either way, with God's grace I get through rehearsals and worship services. However, the joy comes in working with these incredibly talented volunteer musicians who pour their heart into worshipping the Lord. I've done sound at three churches in three different parts of the country and had the great blessing of working with talented musicians in all three. Tonight was yet another great night - jammin' with the Lord. May you all find a place you can worship that will bring you as much joy.