Monday, March 05, 2007


2 Timothy Introduction

These are my notes from Alistair Beg's preaching on 2 Timothy (aired 2/3/07).

- there's probably nothing like the prospect of death to clarify the issues of life

- this is the context in which Paul finds himself as he writes to Timothy - he passes the torch to Timothy

- the church was facing a variety of threats both internal and external

- he writes passionately to ensure that the gospel will be guarded and accurately passed on

- there are several parallels to the church in our day; the church doesn't face annhilation but capitulation and it suffers prtoblems both theological and methodological; it has embraced the spirit of the age including its syncretism and pluralism

- we fail to recognize the call to be radically different

- we're much more comfortable being unclear and vague than clear and certain

- we're confused regarding behavior and belief

- there exists in the christian community a crying need for a solid experiential grasp of basic christian doctrine

- Sinclair Ferguson notes that it is one of the great enigmas of our day that in a world of great opportunities, many christians have less knowledge christian doctrine than sunday school children had in previous generations. It may be this is one of the reasons for the difference between the quality of christian character in previous eras and the relatively poor standard of our own christian lives today.

- standard greetings in verse 1 & 2; gives credentials because the letter would be read by the wider church not just Timothy; Paul was a member of the unique group of apostles

- warm address to his "beloved son"

- it is surprising that Timothy was given this charge: he was young, frail, timid; yet God delights in choosing that which man would not

- Paul's greeting reminds Timothy of his resources: God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord together constitute the one spring from which this three-fold stream flows forth (John Stott) - grace for the trials, mercy for the failures, and peace in the face of dangers and doubts - the same things we need

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